Prepared by: Maria Auxiliadora Araica – November 2019
This report reflects the activities carried out during the school year / 2019
The “Arco Iris” Community Preschool is located in the neighborhood of Carlos Núñez – Sur, in District VII in the city of Managua.
The coordinator of the Preschool submitted the initial registration of the students to the Ministry of Education (MINED) and a copy to FUNDACCO making each child duly registered in the National Education System of Nicaragua.
The Pre-school is attended by students in Levels I, II and III.

According to guidelines of the Ministry of Education, enrollment in the preschool program run until April of each year. This allows children who are not enrolled during the period stipulated by the Ministry to have the opportunity to subsequently enter the public education system.
Dietary supplement
The economic contribution equivalent to C $ 2,600.00 ($78.00 US) per month has the objective to improve the school meal prepared at the center for the students and is forwarded to the coordinator of the school as follows:
The first disbursement is made in February of each year when the school year begins nationwide.
Subsequent disbursements are made in the first week of each month when the school coordinator withdraws the financial contribution at the FUNDACCO office
To guarantee the success of the project FUNDACCO visits the school and the surrounding area regularly with the objective of knowing the reality of the inhabitants of the community.
Preschool visits made aim to:
Establish friendly relations with teachers, and a fluid communication about the development of the activities they practice at the center
Insure children develop confidence by sharing moments such as:
Visits in the classroom during the learning process.
Celebration of national holidays (parades of schools nationwide).
Farewell party of the school year (closing of the school year)
School promotion (students who finish Preschool).
Know the percentage of school retention, and the causes of dropping out of some students.
A line of communication and friendships have been established with the teachers which has allowed for a good relationship between parties.
This year was difficult for teachers and students of the educational center. The sociopolitical situation we are living in the country is affecting low-income families, they have lost their jobs, there is job instability and there is no physical security which disrupts the emotional aspect of children.
The community preschool serves the children of the “Carlos Núñez” neighborhood who’s families have the following characteristics:
Fathers and mothers who do not have a job in the formal labor market or are unemployed
Separated parents
Abandoned by father and mother and they are cared for by grandmothers or aunts
They have no home of their own and constantly move around renting houses
In the facilities of the educational center, children, who come to receive class every day feel safe and confident because:
They are taken care of with affection and respect by the teachers
They receive their school snack prepared under hygiene standards
They have a pleasant atmosphere that allows them to:
Express and develop their skills
Socialize with other children in the neighborhood
Practice the rules of coexistence such as:
Sharing of toys, crayons and food

We believe that the existence of preschool in this neighborhood is establishing the basis that will allow, in the future, children to make sound decisions in their lives.
The donation granted monthly to improve the school meal contributes to the physical and mental care of the students, through a healthy diet, facilitating learning and skills development.
In most homes children go to school without breakfast due to lack of financial resources. Parents coordinate with the school authorities the development of other activities that help improve the children’s environment.
The teachers, parents of families and students have placed their trust in God, Canadian donors and FUNDACCO so that the project continues to benefit the students of the center.